Why Do Quantum Physicists Look So Stressed? Because They Spend All Day Looking for Nothing

Buddhist Philosophy explained the universe 2000 years ago. Time for us to catchup.

Tim Fairweather CA
4 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Where do the rings on water come from?

Where do they go?

They come from water, and return back to the water, so they are a temporary illusion. They have no essence because they come from somewhere else.

Whatever you find, cannot be returned back to somewhere, that is the essence and it has no beginning, nor end. Om.

(From Shurangama Sutra)


2000 years ago Buddhist philosophy shocked the world with 3 simple words:

Life is Illusion.

That is why those quantum physicists are so stressed.

Whatever they find, keeps changing. The act of observing an atom, moves it. How frustrating!

And how does the atom move? Random teleportation. They have a ‘probability’ scale of where it is ‘likely’ to appear. They can’t predict it.

Buddha already said this many times — you observe something, it creates a wave of intention which affects the something.

Like when you notice someone is looking at you.

You think you feel their eyes. But not literally their eyes, you feel ‘their looking.’

Life is illusion

In these words exist tremendous fear and freedom.

From an unlimited bright point a view, illusion means changing, I can’t hold anything and nothing can hold me! I’m free forever!

But from unlimited negative point of view, that means there is no security in life, everything will leave you, you will lose everything which is why people have fear towards it. Especially those with extreme wealth and power and control.

If life is illusion, everything in life is also an illusion — so that means…

Suffering is illusion.

How? I really feel it! But it doesn’t exist anywhere. Your suffering is not mine, you can’t show it to me. Once you learn the wisdom the suffering disappears for you.

Like dirt in your eye. It makes it look like something is there, but truly is not. Once you clean your eye, life fine again.

So they keep going:

Illusion is empty.

Empty not like there is nothing there.

Empty means can be filled with something.

You fill your cup with tea it remains empty. Why?

Because the cup can be tipped over, pour out the tea and refilled again and again! It never loses its ability to be filled. That kind of empty.

What does that mean about the secrets of the universe?

Life is perfect. You’re aware of it, it’s perfect. You are not aware of it, it is still perfect.

Illusion is empty means there is freedom for you to create whatever you wish to. But if we have not developed ability to do so, then life is still perfect, but we don’t have the ability to create life in the way we would like.

How are those quantum physicists doing? Lets check on them

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

So they zoom out into the universe and find empty space.


When they zoom into any material, they find it’s made of molecules, made of atoms, which look solid.


So they zoom in and find quarks that look solid. So they zoom in and find energy waves that vibrate. Like rings on the surface of the water?

So they zoom into the energy waves and what do they find — empty space!

Like a rock is made of many bits of sand together.

That is why the Heart Sutra says:

“Illusion Being is Emptiness, Emptiness is illusion Being.”

I hope you enjoy it reading this modern take on Buddhist philosophy. When the Buddha taught he could directly change the space to show students life is illusion.

I only have GIFs :)



Tim Fairweather CA

I learn from a real Kung Fu Master, I write about it here!